
Anonymisationistheprocessofrenderingpersonaldataanonymous.AccordingtotheEuropeanUnion'sdataprotectionlaws,inparticulartheGeneralData.,Datacanbeconsidered'anonymised'whenindividualsarenolongeridentifiable.Itisimportanttonotethatapersondoesnothavetobenamedinordertobe ...,Anonymisationistheprocessofremovingpersonalidentifiers,bothdirectandindirect,thatmayleadtoanindividualbeingidentified.Anindivi...


Anonymisation is the process of rendering personal data anonymous. According to the European Union's data protection laws, in particular the General Data.

Anonymisation and pseudonymisation

Data can be considered 'anonymised' when individuals are no longer identifiable. It is important to note that a person does not have to be named in order to be ...

Anonymisation and Pseudonymisation

Anonymisation is the process of removing personal identifiers, both direct and indirect, that may lead to an individual being identified. An individual may be ...

Anonymisation of personal data

Anonymisation is the complete and irreversible removal of any information that could lead to an individual being identified, either from the removed information ...

Anonymization and GDPR compliance; an overview

2020年7月21日 — Anonymization is the process of encrypting or removing personally identifiable data so that the person can no longer be identified directly ...

Everything you need to know about data anonymization

2024年3月13日 — Data anonymization can be required by privacy regulations. It provides a way for companies can meet data privacy and protection standards.

Introduction to anonymisation

Anonymisation is the process of turning personal data into anonymous information so that an individual is not (or is no longer) identifiable. • Data protection ...


2022年6月2日 — Anonymised personal data can be used to generate insights for innovation while providing protection to individuals. Organisations can perform ...

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
